Outsourcing Company Head Shares Lessons on Adversity

The last few months have tested your business like few others.
Cybalink Solutions is no different. It’s Managing Director, Kim Lombardi, shares lessons on adversity, learning from difficult situations. When asked about how the last few weeks have been for her, Kim Lombardi, offered an honest answer: “It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster, feels a little surreal.” We think that’s a sentiment that almost all small business owners share right now. With the current situation seems so fluid, there’s a lot of uncertainty in the air. And none of us likely foresaw the lockdown state that many countries find themselves in at the moment. But she said that it was her team that were the superstars:
My team then spent the next 48 hours around the clock getting everything organised for us to operate from home. We set up VPNs, sourced computers, dongles, headsets – you name it – as quickly as possible and minimised any impact on our clients.
Within 72 hours, the entire Cybalink Solutions team was up and running from home. And that meant they could continue providing their services to the many businesses that rely on them. Through it all, we’ve learned some valuable lessons from this experience. Here are six of the most important.
Lesson #1 – The Cybalink Solutions Team Is Amazing!
How do you manage your onshore or local team? Though she was in self-quarantine, the safety of Kim’s team members came first. Coordinating efforts from her home, she implemented the safety techniques she’d learned in Singapore. These included the following:
- Social distancing of 2 metres
- Regular hand sanitizing
- Cleaning and disinfecting offices
Lesson #2 – Your Support Network is Invaluable
Beyond working with her team, Kim also started communicating with others in the BPO industry:
I’m lucky enough to have a group of friends that are all in the BPO industry, EXPATS across the globe who are willing to connect and share with me. Together, we shared ideas of what was working well, where to get equipment, the best setup, communications, and government updates.
This global network helped Cybalink Solutions to implement so many important measures quickly. But it also offered Kim crucial support during a period of uncertainty. And this support is also reflected in the local community surrounding Kim. She said:
It’s been great to see the kindness from strangers in my community. People are checking in on neighbours, feeding families, picking up extra groceries, and looking after each other. We need more of that in times like these.
She now aims to pay that forward to the clients. She understands that many business owners feel the same uncertainty that she felt. That’s why she’s made regular communication with clients a key priority for Cybalink.
Lesson #3 – Cybalink Solutions Has Spectacular Clients
Immediately after the team worked so hard to keep Cybalink Solutions operational, Kim started contacting clients. And as you can imagine, she also received several concerned calls from them. Regular communication was the key to reassuring everybody – from her team to her clients – that Cybalink Solutions would continue. But it was during these conversations that she learned something important: Cybalink Solution’s clients are truly a measure above. She said,
We also asked all our clients to ask them to agree to pay their team members for downtime regardless. All clients agreed in the end, which is a true testament to the value of these team members. It was great to see that our clients understood their social responsibility.
Many of the teams in Cybalink Solutions rely on the income generated from clients. And the company’s clients value their teams so much that they took special action to ensure the team received payment. In fact, the management team of one client took a pay cut to ensure their offshore team received payment. That’s social responsibility in action. And it is a testament both to the quality of the Cybalink Solutions’ team and the company’s clients. However, this lesson was not an unexpected one. Cybalink Solutions has several criteria in place when choosing clients, including:
- Only partnering with clients who align with Cybalink Solutions’ core values.
- Only working with clients who value their teams. We’re very conscious of the welfare and opportunities offered to our employees. That’s why we aim to align with clients who share our views in this area.
Every single Cybalink Solution’s client stepped up for their outsourced teams during this time of crisis. And to mirror those efforts, Cybalink Solution’s stepped up for every client too. Kim continues to send daily update emails, as well as call all clients to ensure they’re on the right track. It just goes to show how important it is to work together with the people who share your values. That’s an important lesson for both life and business.
Lesson #4 – Adversity Gives Rise to Innovation and Understanding
Kim understands that communication is key during this difficult time. And that led to her taking a new step for the Cybalink Solutions’ team:
We have a solid communication plan set up and one of the first things we did was set EVERY team member in Cybalink Solutions’ and our clients’ team members up on Microsoft Teams. This was an easy and consistent way to communicate with everyone instantly.
This simple innovation created a communication framework that allows for instant updates. And Kim didn’t stop there. She invited Cybalink Solutions’ clients to join this framework. The results are astounding. The company’s clients now have first-hand experience of working remotely. This means that they have a better understanding of the specific needs of their team members. Kim feels that many Cybalink Solutions’ clients are undergoing a positive learning experience. And that means they’ll be even stronger when this time of uncertainty passes.
Lesson #5 – Now is Not the Time to Sacrifice Your Values
Kim is quick to stress that she’s seen a remarkable number of positives in this situation. However, she’s also noticed that some outside of the Cybalink Solutions’ world engage in more negative behaviour:
Small businesses are definitely suffering in this environment. I’m a small business, I understand that. But it’s sad to see that people are sacrificing their values during a time like this, rather than looking after their teams, their neighbours, and their community.
Kim warns against the dangers of adopting a “pack mentality”. This is not a time for us against them. It is a time for everybody around the world to work together so that we can overcome this. Sacrificing your values now means you’re giving up on the most important parts of you at the time you need them most.\Seeing this happen reaffirmed Kim’s own values. She’s now more determined than ever to do what she can to help anybody who’s affected by this crisis.
Lesson #6 – Savour the Small Moments
Bringing things back to a more positive note, Kim shares what she’s learned on a personal level:
The biggest thing I’ve learned is to savour the small moments – strengthen your connections. I have not spoken to my family as much as I have in the past few weeks, and it has been so important.
Now is your opportunity to build new bonds and strengthen the ones that you already have. These small moments magnify in importance through the current lens of the world. And remember that now will not last forever. As we always do, humanity will overcome this unprecedented time in our history. When you look back on today, Kim hopes that you feel proud of the actions that you took. And she hopes that your bonds with your family, team, and clients will be stronger than ever.
We Will Make It Through This
The current situation has created fear where none existed before. But Kim is quick to point out how many positives she’s experienced during this difficult time. She’s seen communities and families come together and share their values. Also, she’s seen her team step up like never before to ensure that Cybalink Solutions thrives. And she’s seen her clients take their social responsibilities seriously for the good of their teams. Hopefully, these lessons will show you that it’s not all doom and gloom. As difficult as times are now, they’re bringing us all closer together. As Kim said:
Now is not the time to give up, but push a little harder and we hope to be a big part of helping people during this and on the other side when we all bounce back twice as hard. Cybalink Solutions is always here to help.
Get in touch today to book a confidential call with our co-founders Kim Lombardi and John Rodgers.

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