5 Key Reasons Why SMEs Should Consider Outsourcing IT Support

Hiring good candidate is more difficult than ever before…
due to the changes in the global economy. A shortage of skilled personnel, amazingly fast changes in business conditions and a fierce competition for talent are among the challenges that companies face in the global economy of today. To recruit and hire the right people, you must continuously be updated on the latest best practices of recruiting and hiring technology. You must also ask the relevant questions and build the right relationships. This is a major challenge for any company, but especially so for startups and small businesses, since it diverts the attention of the management from the core business. But when you choose to outsource your recruitment process, you can delegate all those tasks to another company.
In addition, by outsourcing your recruitment, you can save costs, and hence have more resources to focus on other business commitments, which will increase your profitability and help to expand your business at a faster rate. By outsourcing your recruitment, you can also reduce a high turnover rate and deal with seasonal staffing changes very quickly.
Hire faster during phases of rapid growth.
Sometimes a company might be experiencing accelerated growth at an unprecedented rate. Keeping up with the staffing requirements can become difficult in phases of rapid growth, and outsourcing recruiting might be the only way to deal with increased demands for competent staff. Recruiting during periods of rapid growth, as well as seasonal recruiting tends to be very difficult. A recruiting agency can handle this challenge effectively since they have all the resources and hands in place to meet any recruiting need no matter the demand.
Stay focused on your core business.
It’s likely that your company is not in the recruiting industry, and you would lose some of your focus if you spent a lot of your time and resources on recruiting. But by choosing to outsource this task to recruiting to specialists, it’s possible to get the talent you need without facing any distraction from your business operations.
Also, if you overburden your HR department with recruiting tasks, they may not be focused on their other HR responsibilities. This could affect productivity, workflow and they will be unable to provide service for employee programs, compliance, and payroll.
Reduce the cost of hiring
In a dynamic economy, cost reduction is a top priority. Apart from labor costs, there are other costs related to recruiting like advertising positions, tracking systems, background screening, recruiting technology etc. You can save on all of these costs when you outsource recruiting.
A major factor that should be considered is cost-per-hire. When you outsource your recruiting to another organization, you reduce time-to-hire and cost-per-hire because you are benefiting from the specialized recruiting skills and resources of the recruiting agency. When you outsource your recruiting to an outsourcing firm, you reduce task duplications, reduce delays and you will only need to pay for recruiting activities alone.
Boost the quality of your recruiting
A lot of companies find it difficult to get the right candidates due to a shortage of candidates, a shortage of skills, and a competitive market. Your in-house company staff might not be enough to handle the recruiting process and sometimes, especially when there is a need to hire staff urgently, they may be unable to deliver.
But when you outsource your recruiting, you benefit from the ability of a recruiting firm to hire the best candidates, assess candidates better and faster, and to select from a larger pool of potential candidates. Recruitment specialist companies also enjoy the use of better-recruiting resources.
Compete with large companies to recruit the best candidiates
It is difficult for small-to-medium sized companies to compete with large organizations when recruiting staff. But recruiting firms can find top quality staff and help startups and small businesses to attract the best candidates, and thus to compete with large companies.
Reduce high turnover rates
High turnover rates can cost any company a lot of money in terms of interrupted productivity, plus the money needed to invest in new recruitment. Turnover is not solely a result of on-site factors at your company. It can also be caused by the recruitment of candidates that are not a good fit for your business. This can happen if you’re in a rush to hire, or don’t have enough resources to vet candidates properly.
But when you choose to outsource your recruiting, you can benefit from a very rigorous recruiting process that is carried out by highly experienced recruiters. As a result, the candidates that you hire will be better suited to your company’s culture, and this will dramatically reduce the turnover rate.
The outsourcing of recruiting can solve a lot of business needs. It can reduce turnover, result in hiring more candidates faster, and result in an improved recruitment process, while at the same time saving your business money. When you choose to outsource your recruiting, you’ll be able to cover all of your recruitment needs, without having to divert any of your on-site staff away from their tasks.
Get in touch today to book a confidential call with our co-founders Kim Lombardi and John Rodgers.

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